Community Led Plan Update

The Community led Plan based on the findings of the survey last year is moving forward, the document is currently in draft and will be known as The Parish Plan. The Steering Group hope to be in a position to present it to the Parish Council in June of this year.

Back in November the Steering Group held a public meeting for all of the people who expressed a willingness to volunteer in the community, when they completed their CLP questionnaires. 28 parishioners attended along with 2 guest facilitators and members of the Steering Group.  From the subjects that were prominent in the Survey report we chose for the meeting, Youth Provision, Shop, Community Speed Watch and Wellbeing and there has been a good take up for the latter three.

The Community Speed Watch group is now on a waiting list pending the arrival of new speed detection equipment for them to use and the coordinator, hopefully they will be up & running before the end of the year,  however we are looking for a few more volunteers to operate the scheme. The Vehicle Activated Sign for the northern-end of the village is ready to be delivered, and the post installation should happen over the next 4-6  weeks.

The Wellbeing Group are holding regular meetings and have now formed lunch club, open to all, which meets twice a month at the Millennium Hall & the School.

Work has begun on the site at Parklands which will provide 4 further dwellings towards our 2015-2026 SamDev housing target.