Property to Let for 55+ age group
2 Bed, 3 Person bungalow with a Level Access Shower
Kenwick Close, Cockshutt SY12 0HW
For applicants aged 55+
Preference to those with local connection to the Parish of Cockshutt assessed as in need of a level access shower due to a medical condition
Private back garden
Residents parking scheme
Heated by an Air Source Heat Pump
Located in a scheme consisting of 9 bungalows, in the rural village of Cockshutt in the northern area of Shropshire, situated off the A528.
Local amenities include: a regular bus service within walking distance, a small convenience store with a post office & a public house. A mobile library visits fortnightly.
This property will be advertised through Shropshire HomePoint under the property ID: 50351. The period for applicants registered with Shropshire HomePoint to place a bid is 16/10/24 to 22/10/2024.
We will be allocating this property through Shropshire HomePoint. You will need to be registered with Shropshire HomePoint if you wish to be considered for this property & place a bid using this link:
or alternatively by calling Shropshire HomePoint on 0300 303 8595
If you are not already registered with Shropshire HomePoint, you can find out more and register using this link:
We can only consider applicants who place a bid through Shropshire HomePoint, we do not hold a separate waiting list.
You can contact our Housing & Engagement Officer, Matthew Jones, with any questions or queries regarding the property or local connection on 07951 689734 or email
- Household Recycling Centres & Garden Waste
- Post Office Outreach Services