Shropshire Rural Bus Service Consultation
We are now 6 months into the 12-month Bus Upgrade Project. We emphasize the importance of the views of local residents and these views will be given a prominent role in our final report. Local residents are the real experts on bus services and the need for connections to schools, colleges, hospitals and other NHS facilities and also to promote tourism.
Please let your Parish Council know if you wish them to nominate one service improvement e.g.
- A new route
- A connection to a train station
- Times that fit in with travel to work or college
- Connections to hospitals
- Cost of bus travel
The next step will be to allocate time to the research to be carried out on costings and finance.
Best wishes and thanks
John Whitelegg
Robert Thompson Shropshire-wide bus upgrade project
- Diversion of Footpaths
- Cockshutt Post Office