Environmental Maintenance Contract

The Parish Council decided earlier this year that it would like to run an Environmental Maintenance Scheme in the Parish as part of an initiative sponsored by Shropshire Council. The idea of the scheme is that the Parish Council with its local knowledge, decide where minor maintenance of the County’s highway assets would benefit from local intervention and arrange for that work to be done directly.  The maximum annual spend will be £3,000 of which half is to be provided by the Parish Council with the remainder subject to a grant application to Shropshire which we have successfully made.

Clearly this scheme is intended for maintenance items of a minor nature as such as clearing gullies and drains to eradicate standing water, improving visibility of road signs and removing vegetation that is obstructing visibility, litter picking and generally making our roads a bit safer for local people.  It is intended that the work would cover all of the minor roads in the Parish, but not the main A528 Shrewsbury to Ellesmere road, unless it is demonstrated that it is clearly safe to do so. If this first year of the scheme is successful it would be our intention to continue it in future years.

In order to do this work, we need to appoint a contractor for this year’s scheme which we plan to do by tender/negotiation.  We would like to appoint someone local, either from within the Parish or nearby. If you or someone you know could be interested and has the relevant equipment & experience to be that contractor please contact the Clerk to the Council by email: clerk@cockshuttcumpetton-pc.gov.uk

For more information click here

Cllr. Ian Webb